Cache damage

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 14:57:55 +1000 (EST)

Hi All,

I just watched my cache apparently go from 2.3GB to 300Mb in size
(according to 'client mgr:storedir') when I ran 'squid -k reconfigure'.
The only change made to the squid.conf file was the addition of a
new sibling cache line.

Has anyone experienced this? I think I'm getting into a bit of trouble
with the reconfigure signal - can they do damage if they come at the
wrong time?

Also the disk space is still un use, so I figure something has gone
wrong with the swap.state file.

(I had another incident some time ago where squid decided there was
many more entries in the swap log then there really was. It ended up
consuming all RAM in the machine, and I had to delete the caches and
restart from scratch).

I am using 2.2STABLE3 on Linux.


 - Darrin
Received on Sat Aug 14 1999 - 22:43:41 MDT

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