mrtg and squid2.2 via snmp

From: Christian Rost <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 18:01:16 +0000


I'm trying to set up mrtg (2.8.9) with squid (squid-2.2.stable1) to visualize the behavior of
squid. Unfortunately mrtg can't access squid via snmp. All I recieve is a "connection
I've set up the ACLs according to the Squid FAQ chapter 18 using an squid rpm that
was shipped with RH6.0. Could it be that the SNMP feature isn't included in that version,
so I have to configure Squid with the --enable-snmp option?

acl snmppublic snmp_community public
snmp_access allow public localhost
snmp_access deny all

Where can, or what do I make wrong. Unfortunately there seem to be different
approaches on how to make rmtg recognize squid. Which one is the best one? I've
tried to set it up using GPS4A and EchoPing (check out the following URL)
Can someone give me an advice? All comments are welcome ;-)))

Probably more info about my system/configuration is needed to offer any help. So
please tell me what you need to know. Thanks in advance,


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Received on Wed Jan 05 2000 - 10:11:31 MST

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