Protected Websites with NT-IIS4

From: Jan Van Ham <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:19:35 +0100


I came accross this problem with with 2.2.STABLE5 ....
Suppose you have a website wich is protected using "Clear Text" authentication (on IIS4 server)

I my browser has proxy-settings and I visit the site => Immediatly WWW-error (insufficiant rights)
When turning proxy off this presents a pop-up box to enter a username + password

Now this has got something to do with ACL's but can anyone give me directions ??
I've only 1 ACL running wich checks the SOURCE IP-address to prevent unauthorized use of our cache...

Jan Van Ham
Received on Mon Jan 10 2000 - 09:31:52 MST

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