Squid and Ldap

From: Dombrofsky Klaus-Peter <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:16:15 +0100

I am now experimenting with squid_ldap_auth.
I have a netscape directory server 4.1 running with
a certain LDAP-structure o=... ou=... ou=People.

I changed in the source LDAP/squid_ldap_auth.c:
SEARCHBASE = "ou=People, ou=subdom, o=dom"

I created in squid.conf:

acl LDAP proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow LDAP
authenticate_program /usr/sbin/squid_ldapauth ldap1.mydomain.com

In the logfile i see:
WARNING: authenticator #1 (FD 4) exited

if i enter a valid user + password in the squid-popup.

First thing i want is that every valid user can access the proxy.
Second step is every user belonging to a certain group is
allowed to access the proxy.

Has anyone tried this kind of authentication ??
I think i didn't activate the LDAP-authentication in the right way ?
How do i activate this authentication ??

 with a friendly grin

Klaus-Peter Dombrofsky
Service Center E1
SKW Trostberg AG

tech. Webmaster

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Received on Tue Jan 11 2000 - 11:58:29 MST

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