Re: Data all piles up in one directory.

From: Kendall Lister <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 16:34:01 +1100 (EST)

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Thorne Lawler wrote:

> Given a Squid 2.2 system set up, essentially, according to the
> Quickstart instructions, with only one significant modification; I
> have increased the 'maximum_object_size' to '40 MB'; why would all the
> cache-data e being placed in a single cache-directory?

You're confusing a 'cache_dir' with the sub-directories used by Squid; a
cache_dir is an entire area of storage space, containing numerous
sub-directories. It is normal for these sub-directories to have an uneven
distribution of data. Since you have only defined one cache_dir, the
section that you quoted from the FAQ does not in fact apply to you.

> The cache also appears to be repacing cache data at what seems(to me)
> to be a very rapid rate... I will probably understand this better as I
> read more of the on-line support documentation.

What is your LRU, and how much traffic do you carry each day? From these
you can decide how optimal your cache size is.

 Kendall Lister, Systems Operator for Charon I.S. -
  Charon Information Services - Friendly, Cheap Melbourne ISP: 9589 7781
Received on Wed Jan 12 2000 - 03:03:23 MST

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