Re:parents and siblings

From: visolve cache <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 06:08:13 -0800 (PST)


A group of Web caches can benefit from sharing another
cache in the same way that a group of Web clients
benefit from sharing a cache.

In a parent relationship, the child cache will forward
requests to its parent cache. If the parent does not
hold a requested object, it will forward the request
on behalf of the child. With a sibling relationship, a
peer may only request objects already held in the
cache; a sibling can not forward cache misses on
behalf of the peer. The sibling relationship should be
used for caches ``nearby'' but not in the direction of
your route to the Internet.

The advantages are:
* Additional cache hits.
* Request routing. By routing requests to specific
caches you may be able to direct HTTP traffic along a
certain path.

Configuration and more explanation about Parents and
Siblings could be found in Squid-FAQ.

Visolve Cache.

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:53:44 gaby ayan wrote:
>hello, I am a new user of squid and I have a question
>parents and siblings.
>Can anyone tell me what are parents and siblings and
what are
>there advantages.
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Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 07:24:46 MST

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