squid with satellite

From: Maurizio Marini <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:02:34 +0100

i would conf a cache to use the cache of a satellitar system.
So, my cache must use parent *like* behind a firewall (using
never_direct and so on..).
My conf works fine.
But two problem stay out:
1 - if parent is unreachable, every request results in an error messages

2 - hierachy-stoplist should send request direct without results in an
error message for the never_direct configuration

i get in trouble to solve this problems.
someone is so kind to help me to get squid fine settuped?
thnx in advance.

Maurizio Marini                 http://www.datalogica.com
Datalogica snc                  Via I. Nievo, 23
61100 Pesaro                    tel. +39 721 416200
mailto:maumar@datalogica.com    fax. +39 721 457328
Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 08:18:09 MST

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