Can squid selectively anonymise?

From: Simon Greaves <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:37:14 +1300 (FJST)

We have squid 2.2S5 with header anonymization turned on, and provide a
bogus User-Agent string. Some users have had problems with one particular
site that will not allow access unless the browser is a 'supported' type -
determined by a simplistic check of the User-Agent header.

I've complained bitterly to the site maintainers about this, but suspect
nothing will change. I'd prefer to keep anonymization switched on, can I
selectively switch it off for named sites? Are there any other



Simon Greaves				voice: (+679) 212114
Computer Centre				fax:   (+679) 304089
The University of the South Pacific	email:
Suva, Fiji
Received on Tue Jan 18 2000 - 13:48:41 MST

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