Squid Server configuration + Error Messages

From: Lennon <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 11:09:28 +1300

Can anyone help me get my caching server going better
Not everyone is using it at the moment. but I want to get more people using
it. (say 500+ at the same time)
Can anyone see anything wrong with the configuration?

A few messages I don't know about. (at different times)

sslReadClient: FD 28: read failure: (104) Connection reset by peer (lots
of these)
WARNING: Disk space over limit: 106440 KB > 102400 KB
WARNING: filemap utilization at 88%
WARNING: Shrinking cache_dir #0 to 94741 KB
WARNING: Shrinking cache_dir #0 to 0 KB

What would be causing these (and a fix)

http_port 3128
icp_port 3130
tcp_outgoing_address x.x.x.x
udp_outgoing_address x.x.x.x
cache_peer x.x.x.x parent 8080 8081 no-query default
cache_mem 8 MB
acl all src
memory_pools off
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 69 80 81 82 90 21 443 563 70 800 900-1000 1008
acl 244net src x.x.x.x.0/
acl 245net src x.x.x.x.0/
acl 246net src x.x.x.x.0/
acl 247net src x.x.x.x.0/
acl poly src x.x.x.x.0/
acl 130net src x.x.0.0/
acl 192net src x.x.x.0/
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow 244net
http_access allow 245net
http_access allow 246net
http_access allow 247net
http_access allow poly
http_access allow 130net
http_access allow 192net
icp_access allow all
miss_access allow all
cache_mgr lennon@igrin.co.nz
visible_hostname cache.igrin.co.nz
dns_testnames netscape.com internic.net nlanr.net microsoft.com
logfile_rotate 10
append_domain .igrin.co.nz
acl local-servers dstdomain igrin.co.nz
acl local-servers-244 dst x.x.x.x.0/
acl local-servers-245 dst x.x.x.x.0/
acl local-servers-246 dst x.x.x.x.0/
acl local-servers-247 dst x.x.x.x.0/
acl local-servers-130 dst x.x.0.0/
acl local-servers-192 dst x.x.x.0/
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 1
delay_access 1 allow all
delay_parameters 1 64000/64000
never_direct deny local-servers
never_direct deny local-servers-244
never_direct deny local-servers-245
never_direct deny local-servers-246
never_direct deny local-servers-247
never_direct deny local-servers-130
never_direct deny local-servers-192
never_direct allow all

Connection information for squid:
 Number of clients accessing cache: 136
 Number of HTTP requests received: 201602
 Number of ICP messages received: 147
 Number of ICP messages sent: 147
 Number of queued ICP replies: 0
 Request failure ratio: 0.00%
 HTTP requests per minute: 51.0
 ICP messages per minute: 0.1
 Select loop called: 3858625 times, 61.505 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
 Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 22.5%, 60min: 15.8%
 Byte Hit Ratios: 5min: 16.5%, 60min: 10.8%
 Storage Swap size: 94692 KB
 Storage Mem size: 8184 KB
 Storage LRU Expiration Age: 0.54 days
 Mean Object Size: 8.91 KB
 Requests given to unlinkd: 96685
Median Service Times (seconds) 5 min 60 min:
 HTTP Requests (All): 1.17732 1.11539
 Cache Misses: 1.62803 1.38447
 Cache Hits: 0.05046 0.05331
 Near Hits: 0.49576 0.52331
 Not-Modified Replies: 0.06640 0.04047
 DNS Lookups: 0.15593 0.36346
 ICP Queries: 0.00000 0.00000
Resource usage for squid:
 UP Time: 237322.966 seconds
 CPU Time: 2665.430 seconds
 CPU Usage: 1.12%
 CPU Usage, 5 minute avg: 1.60%
 CPU Usage, 60 minute avg: 1.67%
 Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
 Page faults with physical i/o: 25442
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
 Total space in arena: 17335 KB
 Ordinary blocks: 12750 KB 1902 blks
 Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
 Holding blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
 Free Small blocks: 0 KB
 Free Ordinary blocks: 4584 KB
 Total in use: 12750 KB 74%
 Total free: 4584 KB 26%
Memory accounted for:
 Total accounted: 10244 KB
File descriptor usage for squid:
 Maximum number of file descriptors: 256
 Largest file desc currently in use: 44
 Number of file desc currently in use: 39
 Files queued for open: 0
 Available number of file descriptors: 217
 Reserved number of file descriptors: 64
 Store Disk files open: 3
Internal Data Structures:
  10679 StoreEntries
   1642 StoreEntries with MemObjects
   1635 Hot Object Cache Items
  10635 Filemap bits set
  10632 on-disk objects

Craig Whitmore
iGRIN Internet
Received on Sun Jan 23 2000 - 15:23:30 MST

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