Re: I can not config outlook express to use squid proxy

From: Ertan Kucukoglu <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 09:58:37 +0200

squid wrote:
> Hi.

Please do not use rich text formatted messages.

> I install the squid on RedHat linux 6.0, so my win98 can share the
> internet connection very well.
> But when I try to use outlook express(Netscape Messenger as well) to
> send or recieve email under win98, they didn't work. "Unable to
> connect to server(TCP Error: No route or host)" was reported.
This is not related with squid. You should install a POP or IMAP server
under Linux to get your messages from Linux to Outlook, and should setup
fetchmail or other mail fetching program to get your mails from internet
to Linux.

And there seems to be a problem with your network settings. Can you ping
the Linux box?

> Another problem is, when I try to use FTP command under win98, such
> as:
> open
> I got:
> connect:10065
> There are no connection established.
This is also not related to squid. You should setup IP Masquerading
feature under Linux.

> What should I do.
> Jingsheng Liao


Ertan Kucukoglu
Received on Wed Jan 26 2000 - 01:18:35 MST

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