Re: Add more ports on Web accelerator

From: C W CHAN <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 11:25:29 +0800


I have already setup the "httpd_accel_uses_host_header" to on and added the resolve for
"Intra-adm" to "accelerator". In my case, I want to forward the port 80 to another web
server's adm port 8083 throught the accelerator.

                                        80 8083 ----------> accelerator ----------->

I have followed the contribution in the Squid src to create the redirector. Is there any
mistake in the redirector?

#!/usr/bin/perl -T -w
# Author: Peter Eisenhauer <>
# First Version: 26. May 1997
# Description: Direct all request to files who are in a local dir to
# this directory
use File::Basename;
use URI::URL;

# customization part

# Local Domainame from which no redirects should be done
$localdomain = '';
# Local domainame qouted for regexps
$regexlocaldomain = quotemeta($localdomain);
# Path under which the scripts accesses the local dir (must end with /)
# Information for the redirected URL (redirect_path must end with /)
$redirect_scheme = 'http';
$redirect_host = '';

# end of customization part

# flush after every print
$| = 1;

# Process lines of the form 'URL ip-address/fqdn ident method'
# See release notes of Squid 1.1 for details
while ( <> ) {
    ($url, $addr, $fqdn, $ident, $method) = m:(\S*) (\S*)/(\S*) (\S*) (\S*):;

    $url = url $url;
    $host = lc($url->host);

    # do not process hosts in local domain or unqualified hostnames
    if ( $host =~ /$regexlocaldomain/ || $host !~ /\./ ) {

    # just the file, without any host or path parts
    # and just in case: lowercase the file name, so you should make sure
    # all the files in the local dir are only lowercase !!

    # look if in local dir, if yes redirect
    if ( $url eq "" ) {

} continue {
    print "$url $addr/$fqdn $ident $method\n"

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> C W CHAN wrote:
> > I have setup the redirector perl script to my web accelerator to forward the users'
> > request as follows:
> >
> > ---------->
> > ---------->
> >
> > The first is OK but second is failed.
> > While the user tried to access the "", the redirector forwarded it
> > to "".
> Then you probably haven't made the redirector correctly, or haven't told
> Squid to care about domains (httpd_accel_uses_host_header on).
> > I knew the Squid (as reverse proxy) can listen more than one port
> > through the parameter of "http_port". Is it possible to support
> > multi ports at the same server?
> The accelerator will not differentiate between requests received on the
> different ports if that is what you are asking.
> --
> Henrik Nordstorm
> Squid hacker
Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 00:01:24 MST

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