Re: (Non)-Redundant Proxies

From: visolve cache <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 21:13:27 -0800 (PST)


--- Thomas Kuehne <> wrote:
> I have the following set-up:
> Squid B Squid C
> \ /
> \ /
> \ /
> Squid A
> |
> |
> Squid B and C are parents of A. Users access A.
> Proxy A is connected to
> B through a satellite connection.
> Problem: Whenever the satellite between A and B goes
> down, the following
> happens: Squid A also stops retrieving pages from C.

How u have configured your parent settings?

If you have specified that some requests,(for example
.com requests) should be satisfied only by the parent
SQUID B, and the requests should never be forwarded
directly to origin servers(ie. u have used
never_direct to all requests). Now when the connection
between SQUID A and parent SQUID B goes down, the
requests will not be forwarded directly, not to parent
SQUID C and hence, the request could not be satisfied.

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Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 03:52:22 MST

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