squid runs but client does not receive data

From: Jinsong Zhao <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 12:53:32 -0800 (PST)

I was able to compile and install squid on Solaris 2.5.1. On the same
machine, I started squid and ran netscape 4.7. The conf file for squid
is the loosest, and netscape proxy points to the same machine and uses
port 3128.

When I enter http://www.yahoo.com, netscape gives the following error:

The document contained no data.
Try again later, or contact the server's administrator.

The log file shows that the request from the client was received and
request to yahoo was also received. Then why the data were not
forwarded back to the client? What is the simplest way (using telnet)
to test if the proxy functions properly?

Thanks a lot.


The conf file is as follows:

#squid.conf - a very basic config file for squid

#Turn logging to it's lowest level
debug_options ALL,9

#defines a group (or Access Control List) that includes all IP
acl all src

#allow all sites to use connect to us via HTTP
http_access allow all

#allow all sites to use us as a sibling
icp_access allow all

#test the following sites to check that we are connected
dns_testnames internic.net usc.edu cs.colorado.edu mit.edu yale.edu

#run as the squid user
#cache_effective_user squid squid
#otherwise, you can uncomment the below line and comment the one out.
# this will run as use "nobody" with the group "nogrtoup"
cache_effective_user zhaojs staff
Received on Sun Jan 30 2000 - 14:02:32 MST

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