Big ftp downloads result in a timeout on the browser

From: Roger Boussen <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:07:12 +0100

When I initiate an ftp download from a browser and it is more then
approximatly 100Kb a timeout is occurred on the browser.
I'am ussing squid-2.2.STABLE1 on Redhat Linux 6.

Small downloads works but big doesn't.
The browser doesn't start a "save filename" box after <shift><click>
or just <click> on the file I want to have.


Your's sincerly,

R. Boussen
Audax A&I B.V.
the Netherlands

business address:
tel. : +31 161 457847
fax. : +31 161 457777

private address:
Received on Mon Jan 31 2000 - 09:15:32 MST

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