RE: dnsserver not running

From: Sergio Henrique Oliveira Pereira (EDB) <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 04:05:21 -0600

Yes ... I'm too.

  Hmmm. I'm stumped at this point. A couple more questions, fishing
around at random...

  Are you starting squid as root, or as a regular user, and if root,
what is the effective_user and effective_group you are using?
        -->I'm starting squid as regular user (nobody, nogroup)

  Did you rerun ./configure in the Squid directory after applying all
the patches, and do a fresh make clean && make? (I'm wondering if you
have some library calling problem or something like that.)
          -->yes .. I did.

 Clifton Royston  --  LavaNet Systems Architect --
      The named which can be named is not the Eternal named.
Received on Wed Mar 01 2000 - 06:41:29 MST

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