Re: conf file

From: Martin Brooks <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 07:28:52 +0000

Nick A Marouf wrote:
> Hello all,
> Could anyone please send me their squid conf file. I am having
> lots of problems getting the acl configured.
> I would realy appreciate it.


The chances are that soemone elses conf file will be completely useless
for your network. How about explaining what it is you're trying to do
and how you've defined your ACLs and what error messages/unexpected
results you get. Please don't post your entire squid.conf file though,
just the relevant ACL sections :)


Martin Brooks, Systems Administrator
Go Internet Ltd
36 Gloucester Avenue
NW1 7BB London UK
Phone +44-(0)20-7419 0001
Fax +44-(0)20-7419 6519
Received on Wed Mar 01 2000 - 06:41:38 MST

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