Yes, squidguard is free and has a free and regularely updated blacklist,
last time compiled from 90.000 urls and compressed to an
even more powerful list of:
19981 domains
22287 urls
42268 total
And squidGuard handles that without eating your CPU for breakfast;)
100,000 requests in 10seconds on a 500MHz Pentium with lists of
5900 domains
7880 urls
13780 total
100,000 requests in 12seconds on a 500MHz Pentium with lists of
5900 domains
200000 urls
205900 total
Addr: P�l Baltzersen, ElTele �st AS, Fredrik Selmers vei 2, Postboks 6299 Etterstad, N-0603 Oslo.
Phone: +47 23 18 10 00 Direct: +47 23 18 11 74
fax: +47 23 18 10 01 Mobile: +47 93 08 11 74
>>> <> 08:35:20 07.03.00 >>>
Can any one please inform me if there is any list of URLs available free
and updated regularly for Unwanted URLs. I need a regularly updated list of
URLs for blocking the users to visit unwanted sites.
Can squidguard give me this functionality?
Tarang Daptardar
Enterprise Integration Group-Abu Dhabi
Phone : +971 2 6815515 ext.4024
Mobile : + 971 50 4509813
Visit us at
Received on Tue Mar 07 2000 - 05:15:19 MST
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