Re: Can't figure out why Squid Swaps => Performance drops

From: Tilman Schmidt <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 09:44:20 +0100

At 12:02 06.03.00 +0100, Plak, Peter wrote:
>I can't figure out why my system swaps between 4 and 7 Mbytes.

This is normal and a good thing, as the system swaps out infrequently
used parts to make room for more frequently used ones.

> The FAQ says
>that Squid's performance degrades significant if Squid goes swapping !

That is true if (part of) the Squid process is swapped out. But from your
data that doesn't seem to be the case (yet).

> I
>gave Squid 64 Mb cache_mem.

This however seems pretty much for only 192 MB total RAM. Remember
that cache_mem isn't a limit on total memory use by Squid, but only
the amount allocated for one specific use. As you can see in "top",
your Squid process already has a size of 134 MB, so there's not
much left. I would reduce cache_mem to something like 16 MB.

Tilman Schmidt          E-Mail: (office)
Sema Group Koeln, Germany (private)
Received on Fri Mar 10 2000 - 01:48:29 MST

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