Re: async-io or no aysnc-io

From: Suresh Khatry <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 14:20:37 +0300


        I have been using 2.3S1 on a Sparc running Solaris 7 with
around 25GB of cache. If I recompile using --enable async-io
and then change cache_dir ufs /xxx aaaa bb ccc to
cache_dir asyncufs /xxx aaaa bbb ccc will it continue to work
or do I need to purge all the cached objects. TIA


On 10 Mar 2000, at 14:48, Tom Williams wrote:

Date forwarded: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 14:48:20 -0800 (PST)
From: "Tom Williams" <>
To: "Jason Thompson" <>
Copies to:
Date sent: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 14:48:30 -0800
Subject: Re: async-io or no aysnc-io
Forwarded by:

> >From what little I understand, async-io should help squid access the cache
> faster because multiple threads will be accessing the cache concurrently.
> According to the Squid doc (in the squid.conf.default fle), the async-io
> support might be a little buggy so be careful.
> I've been running a Squid-2.3.STABLE1 proxy on a Pentium 166 /w a 200MB
> (now 500MB) cache serving between 15 - 40 clients with async-io for a few
> weeks now without problems.
> You can always control this with the cache_dir configuration setting.
> Build Squid with --enable-async-io on and specify the cache_dir like this:
> cache_dir /usr/local/squid/cache asyncfs 100 6 256
> If you want to stop using async-io, then change the "asyncfs" to "ufs" and
> reconfigure Squid (squid -k reconfigure). The "asyncfs" parm might
> actually be "asyncufs", but the exact syntax will be in the
> squid.conf.default file.
> Good luck!
> Peace.....
> Tom
> "Jason Thompson" <> on 03/10/2000 01:33:09 PM
> To:
> cc: (bcc: Tom Williams/HQ/dssi)
> Subject: async-io or no aysnc-io
> Hi All,
> I will be setting up a squid server soon, and was hoping if someone could
> advise me if I should use async-io or not. Please could you explain to me
> the reason for having this option.
> The server spec will be:
> Intel Penitum 166
> 256Mb RAM
> 2 x 2GB IDE Hard Disks
> 1 x 100Mb Network Card
> OS: Redhat 6.0
> Internet Connection: 64kbs (soon to be 128kbs)
> This spec will be serving a maximum of 100 clients, in a school. Will this
> spec be enough?
> Finally, anyone know if Corel Linux Deluxe is (a) any good, and (b)
> suitable for running squid?
> Thanks
> Jason

| Suresh Khatry (Mr.) <>
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 K E E P I N G Y O U I N T O U C H W I T H T H E W O R L D
Received on Mon Mar 13 2000 - 04:27:08 MST

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