FW: Multiple cache servers with failover ?

From: Carpenter, Dean <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 09:31:47 -0500

Hey all -

I sent this in last week, and haven't heard a peep. Is there no one out
there using (or trying to) squid in a failover/HA environment ?

Dean Carpenter	deano@areyes.com			
94 TT :)		Dean.Carpenter@pharma.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Carpenter, Dean 
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 4:55 PM
To: squid-users@ircache.net
Subject: Multiple cache servers with failover ?
Has anyone tried an implementation with two or more squids and IP failover ?
That is, I want the user community to be split between two servers acting as
siblings, and  If one or the other fails, have the other
take over the failed IP address.  Since they're siblings, their caches
should be fairly consistent.
The only hassle I can see is when takes over for, thus
answering for both addresses - this may screw up the squid sibling cache
workings ...  That is, is configured to talk to as a
sibling, but now it IS  Forwarding loop ?
If not like this, how can we setup a redundant pair of caches ?
Received on Mon Mar 13 2000 - 07:36:03 MST

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