Squid & Bind8 on the same box

From: Dave Wilson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 14:17:03 +0200

Hi there guy's, Howzit going?

I'm running Squid2.2STABLE4 on a FreeBSD 3.4 platform, in transparent mode.
It works brilliant !! & I've had no hassles at all with it.
In fact it seems to run better on FreeBSD than it does with Linux.
Now the thing is that I need to run Named (Bind8) on the same box too, I have installed Bind8 in the usual way and have setup all my zone files etc, and bound it to a secondary IP on the Lan card in the FreeBSD box using:
"ifconfig fxp0 netmask alias".
The hassle is that now i get an "access denied" message when trying to surf the net from any of my pc's.
I have made no changes to my ACL's at all.
When squid is not running then named works cool, and also vica-versa.

Is the built in dnsserver in squid conflicting with named ?
It's strange, because I have run named and squid together before, but on a linux.

# Regards
# Dave Wilson
# www.pmburg.co.za
# Linux: Where do you want to go tomorrow ?
Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 05:19:53 MST

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