Re: Is my squid too slow ?

From: List Server Account <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 08:44:33 +1300 (NZDT)

Things I would look at if trying to optimise -

Cache_mem should be 16, not 40.

Restarting Squid is not a good idea. (except for log rotates etc)

Swapping is very bad for performance.

I would expect cache_hit times to be 1/10th of what they are
(and I am using IDE 5400 RPM drives)

If you turn off logging, you should notice a significant increase in
speed, and will have more space space for storing data. (More space=
more consistant performance. I like to have about a months worth
of data in my caches, although it is probably overkill if you have
an affordable pipe).

Is your squid a "dedicated" box ? I would suggest not running more then
just Squid and possibly DNS on 1 box.


On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Magali BERNARD wrote:

> Hello,
> After reading squid FAQ, I'd like to know more about good configuration
> of a proxy server with squid. Mine is running for some years, but I still
> have reticent users who affirm squid is too slow.
> My configuration:
> Dec Aplha 3000 - M600
> Digital UNIX V4.0E
> 192 Mb RAM
> Swap 500 MB
> squid-2.3.STABLE1 (configure option --enable-dlmalloc)
> cache_mem 40 Mb
> cache_dir 4000 (2*2000) Mb
> Restart and logfile_rotate every week
> Approximately 1200 clients, request hit 35-40%, byte hit 20%
> Now for the questions:
> - "swapon -s": In-use space is growing from 5-10% up to 25-30% at the
> end of the week. Is this alarming ? Do I really need to restart squid
> every day ?
> - From the Cache Manager, I see "Storage LRU Expiration Age: 3.96 days"
> It can be very lower (2 days or so) at the end of the week. Do I need
> to increase cache_dir ?
> - From the Cache Manager, I see the ratio "Page faults with physical i/o"
> / "Number of HTTP requests received" growing from 0.07 to 0.2-0.3
> According to Squid FAQ, it's not good...
> I'm waiting for any suggestion, or comparison criteria.
> An example of my Cache Manager/General Runtime Information:
> ---------- CUT ---------
> Squid Object Cache: Version 2.3.STABLE1
> Start Time:
> Mon, 13 Mar 2000 00:02:26 GMT
> Current Time:
> Tue, 14 Mar 2000 10:28:09 GMT
> Connection information for squid:
> Number of clients accessing cache: 849
> Number of HTTP requests received: 817386
> Number of ICP messages received: 0
> Number of ICP messages sent: 0
> Number of queued ICP replies: 0
> Request failure ratio: 0.0000000000000%
> HTTP requests per minute: 395.7
> ICP messages per minute: 0.0
> Select loop called: 6325854 times, 19.593 ms avg
> Cache information for squid:
> Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 35.5%, 60min: 36.1%
> Byte Hit Ratios: 5min: 14.7%, 60min: 20.1%
> Storage Swap size: 3728637 KB
> Storage Mem size: 40956 KB
> Storage LRU Expiration Age: 3.95 days
> Mean Object Size: 9.97 KB
> Requests given to unlinkd: 234295
> Median Service Times (seconds) 5 min 60 min:
> HTTP Requests (All): 0.72387 0.42149
> Cache Misses: 1.54242 0.89858
> Cache Hits: 0.18699 0.12783
> Near Hits: 2.02066 0.72387
> Not-Modified Replies: 0.20843 0.10857
> DNS Lookups: 0.19488 0.15593
> ICP Queries: 0.00000 0.00000
> Resource usage for squid:
> UP Time: 123942.644 seconds
> CPU Time: 17334.464 seconds
> CPU Usage: 13.99%
> CPU Usage, 5 minute avg: 32.89%
> CPU Usage, 60 minute avg: 36.14%
> Maximum Resident Size: 103304 KB
> Page faults with physical i/o: 107882
> Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
> Total space in arena: 118450 KB
> Ordinary blocks: 114671 KB 1720 blks
> Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
> Holding blocks: 1224 KB 2 blks
> Free Small blocks: 0 KB
> Free Ordinary blocks: 3779 KB
> Total in use: 115895 KB 98%
> Total free: 3779 KB 3%
> Memory accounted for:
> Total accounted: 94949 KB
> File descriptor usage for squid:
> Maximum number of file descriptors: 4096
> Largest file desc currently in use: 442
> Number of file desc currently in use: 322
> Files queued for open: 0
> Available number of file descriptors: 3774
> Reserved number of file descriptors: 100
> Store Disk files open: 20
> Internal Data Structures:
> 374470 StoreEntries
> 8548 StoreEntries with MemObjects
> 8458 Hot Object Cache Items
> 374162 Filemap bits set
> 374145 on-disk objects
> --------- CUT --------
> Thanks for your time,
> --
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Magali BERNARD (
> CRITeR - 23 rue du Dr Paul Michelon - 42023 St-Etienne Cedex 2 - FRANCE
> Tel: Fax:
Received on Tue Mar 14 2000 - 12:43:16 MST

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