Re: Squid farm + layer 4 switch, should they peer?

From: Brian <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 13:37:34 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Clifton Royston wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 09:37:06AM -0600, Brian wrote:
> >
> > If I have multiple identical squids, in a server farm, and use a layer 4
> > switch to spread users out evenly amongst them, should those machines in
> > the farm icp peer with eachother? I would think yes.
> They should definitely peer with each other. You might want to have
> them peer with cache-digests instead of ICP. You might also want to
> consider a no-cache policy for items retrieved from others' caches so
> they are not all storing the same stuff. Alternatively you might want
> to look at your switch's ability to distribute URLs to caches based on
> a hash of the destination URL, so that each cache ends up with a
> different distribution of cache content.

Clifton, the switch is distributing based on hash. I will look into this
cache-digests stuff.

How would you implement a no-cache policy for objects retrieved from other

> -- Clifton
> --
> Clifton Royston -- LavaNet Systems Architect --
> The named which can be named is not the Eternal named.

Brian Feeny (BF304)
318-222-2638 x 109
Network Administrator ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)
Received on Wed Mar 15 2000 - 12:40:41 MST

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