Re: very urgent help required !! please

From: Ahsan Khan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 00:15:16 +0500

please send the cache.log out on die so that I can diagnose the problem

With Regards
Ahsan Khan
Sr. System Admin
Internet Division (OneNet)
Sun Communication Pvt. Ltd.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: prashant
  Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 10:03 PM
  Subject: very urgent help required !! please

  dear fiends

       please help me , the problem is that i am running squid 2.2 Stable 4 on redhat 6.1 ,
  my config is

  cache_dir 6 GB (SCSI disk)
  cache_mem 64 MB

  Hardware -> IBM Netfinity 5000 , RAM -> 512 MB
  now the thing is that ,
  squid is woking great only if i will restart it after serving around 1500 K request, with avg load max 600 req/min at most,
  now if i dont restart it , it dies after seving 3000 k requests (total) and subsys gets loked ( i gets "sybsys loked " message when i give "./squid status" what exatly it is ?)

  i have restarted the mechine few times still getting the same message,
  now the first thing that i have to do is again start squid (As soon as possible) , then please tell me what i have to do
  to solve this poblem ?
  if u want any other details then then please write me ,i will certainly provide you with it ?

  please help me as soon as possible

  thanks in advance
  Pashant Desai
Received on Thu Mar 23 2000 - 12:11:01 MST

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