RE: denied - it hates me.

From: Tim <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 09:51:41 -0600

Anyone running 2.3-2.4 squid on Freebsd, if you would be so kind to send me
your squid.conf for me to "cheat" off of I'd appreciate it. Just edit out
anything you may not want me to see.

I am stumped.

Thanks all for your quick replies and suggestions.

Hi all;

I know I will probably get my skull bashed for asking this question, but I
read all I could find and I am still unable to figure what is wrong.

I have squid 2.4 dev installed. I created a user and group for squid,
unpacked the file in the user dir /usr/local/squid. ran ./configure make
and make install - all no problem. Started squid with -z, made caches no
Start problem.

No matter what I try I get one of 2 things.

If left alone with defaults in squid.conf; squid runs fine and appears
working...denies any request from a browser using it as proxy with:

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: <>
The following error was encountered:
* Access Denied.
                Access control configuration prevents your request from
being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel
this is incorrect.

So I edit squid.conf with the suggested changes in quickstart; and if I use
those changes; when I try to access with a web browser set to use it as a
proxy, it kills the squid process completely. And it auto restarts itself.

Call me names and insult my dog, but please tell me what the hell I am doing
wrong. Is there changes in 2.4 that are not documented?? I have scoured
all the old walk-thrus and faqs...but some of the things in the acl area are
not explained.

If only answer one single thing: left with an unchanged squid.conf, I
should be able to set my browser on another machine to point at the squid
machine, port 3128 and it
should allow by default right?? Or is it deny by default?? Because I get
denied. cache.log reports: tcp denied 403 when I look at my requests.

I very much appreciate any morsels of knowledge anyone will share with me.
Thanks in advance.

Received on Fri Mar 24 2000 - 08:55:48 MST

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