RE: Access List

From: Juha Saarinen <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 08:14:19 +1200


If you want to zap ads etc. you might find that Cameron Simpson's AdZapper
( will do the trick for you. I'm using it here,
and it works like a charm. Just remember to increase the amount of redirect
children from five to ten or fifteen if you have a high-speed 'Net


-- Juha

%-> -----Original Message-----
%-> From: Olivier Tourchon []
%-> Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2000 9:48 a.m.
%-> To:
%-> Subject: Access List
%-> Hello
%-> I made several access lists. One of them is an "anti ad".
%-> It's
%-> acl anti_ad url_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/wordlists/pub"
%-> http_access deny anti_ad
%-> and /usr/local/squid/etc/wordlists/pub contains
%-> ads
%-> advertiss
%-> pub
%-> publicite
%-> But some my users need to access some *adsl* sites.
%-> Is there a way to restrict all ads* excepted adsl* ?
%-> Thanks a lot
%-> Olivier
%-> *************************************************************
%-> Olivier TOURCHON
%-> Service Technique Euro Interactive
%-> 04 72 65 81 81(tel) / 04 72 65 81 82(fax)
%-> *************************************************************
Received on Tue Mar 28 2000 - 13:19:02 MST

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