Re: Squid server and Firewall

From: Don Rolph <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 08:19:59 -0500

Generally I place squid on the firewall with two network connections. The
outside network has an address appropriate for the external service
provider. The internal network has an address appropriate for your internal
site. Squid itself mediates between the two address spaces.


> We have the squid server located on the DMZ, meaning that internal
> users will have to go thru the firewall which does NAT to get to
> the squid proxy.
> I am thinking that this is not such a good idea, and maybe I should move
> the squid server to the internal network so that users will get
> to it before going thru the Firewall and the NAT deal. what do you
> think? would I be cutting down on delays and load on the firewall
> since the FW would be performing NAT on the squid IP only and not on
> any client trying to access the cache.
> any thoughts are appreciated.
> -Danny-

Don Rolph WD3 MS10-13 (508)-236-1263

Received on Wed Mar 29 2000 - 06:24:57 MST

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