error in cache.log

From: Julie Xu <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 09:47:16 +1000 (EET)

Dear all,

I have error in cahce.log:
2000/03/31 09:41:29| comm_accept: FD 9: (72) Software caused connection
2000/03/31 09:41:29| httpAccept: FD 9: accept failure: (72) Software
caused connection abort
2000/03/31 09:41:36| comm_accept: FD 9: (72) Software caused connection
2000/03/31 09:41:36| httpAccept: FD 9: accept failure: (72) Software
caused connection abort
2000/03/31 09:41:53| comm_accept: FD 9: (72) Software caused connection
2000/03/31 09:41:53| httpAccept: FD 9: accept failure: (72) Software
caused connection abort
2000/03/31 09:42:04| comm_accept: FD 9: (72) Software caused connection
2000/03/31 09:42:04| httpAccept: FD 9: accept failure: (72) Software
caused connection abort
2000/03/31 09:43:00| comm_accept: FD 9: (72) Software caused connection
2000/03/31 09:43:00| httpAccept: FD 9: accept failure: (72) Software
caused connection abort

Could anyone give me a clue?

Any comments will be appreciated

Thanks in advance

Received on Thu Mar 30 2000 - 16:52:01 MST

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