Re: Squid compilation problems

From: David Rees <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:06:53 -0700

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 12:51:05PM -0400, Mynarski, Boleslaw [CPCUS] wrote:
> O.K. What gives? I installed gcc compiler that supports C/ANSI but when I
> run make, it still tries to compile it with cc. I know it might sound
> trivial to someone who does it all the time, but I am at a loss here...

Try this: Start with a clear squid source tree, set the environment
variable CC=gcc (either `export CC=gcc` for bash or `setenv CC gcc` for
csh/tcsh), re-run the configure script, then make all.

Received on Thu May 11 2000 - 11:09:28 MDT

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