RE: Problems with parent proxy using squid 2.3 STABLE 2

From: Eric Nelson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 10:27:42 -0600

This was the problem! I was using squid 2.1 PATCH 2 and everything was
working fine. When I upgraded to squid 2.3 STABLE 2 and used the same
squid.conf file, the parent functionality was broken. However, after adding
the never_direct lines things worked again.

Thank you for the help,

Eric Nelson

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 3:01 PM
To: Eric Nelson
Subject: Re: Problems with parent proxy using squid 2.3 STABLE 2

Squid-2.2 and later more or less ignores non-ICP peers (no-query) unless
"prefer_direct off" or "never_direct allow" is used (prefer_direct off
to make it prefer to use parents over direct or never_direct allow to
force it to use parents).

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid hacker
Eric Nelson wrote:
> I have been experimenting with this for 1 1/2 days now.  It appears that
> linux2 not only ignores the port I have placed for the parent, but also
> IP address (squid is ignoring the whole cache_peer line I included).  I
> been trying to learn the source to find out why.  I put some printf
> statements in parse_peer in cache_cf.c and it appears that squid does
> correctly parse off the neighbor type and port (p->type and p->http_port
> set correctly).  However, a sniffer shows that linux2 tries to talk to the
> origination server via the default gateway using port 80 rather than via
> proxy parent via port 5001.  Any help in this area would be GREATLY
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Eric Nelson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henrik Nordstrom []
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 1:03 PM
> To: Eric Nelson
> Cc: ''
> Subject: Re: Problems with parent proxy using squid 2.3 STABLE 2
> Eric Nelson wrote:
> > > 1)  If linux 2 is configured in proxy mode (port 5000) and linux 2 is
> set
> > > to use linux 1 as a parent proxy (port 5001), linux 2 will always send
> > > requests to linux 1 on port 80 instead of parent proxy port (5001).
> Squid
> > > running on Linux 1 will not see this request as it comes in on the
> > > port.  Here is my line in squid.conf on linux 2:
> > >
> > > cache_peer parent 5001 0 no-query default long=test:test
> Are you sure on this? Never heard anything like it before. Only thing I
> can think of is that linux 1 simply ignores the parent and tries to go
> direct to the origin source, but then it should try connecting there and
> not port 80 on linux 2.
> See never_direct and prefer_direct directives.
> --
> Henrik Nordstrom
> Squid hacker
Received on Mon May 15 2000 - 10:31:13 MDT

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