Antwort: Re: rotate log problem

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 16:57:39 +0100

Sorry, but sometimes i also found that squid thinks there was no running copy
but squid was running and accessible.
I then wrote a small script which finds out the pid (works on Solaris 7)

# PIDFILE neu schreiben da es ab und zu verschwindet
ps -ef|grep '(squid)'|grep -v grep|awk '{ print $2 }' >$PIDFILE
echo "Info: Squid-Logs rotate..."
$SQUID -k rotate

Stephan Sachweh

 image moved Martin Brooks <>
 to file: 29.05.2000 20:49

An: "Sergio Henrique Oliveira Pereira (EDB)" <>,
Kopie: (Blindkopie: Stephan Sachweh/Dortmund/ExperTeam/DE)
Thema: Re: rotate log problem

At 07:02 29/05/00 -0500, Sergio Henrique Oliveira Pereira (EDB) wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I have a problem here. Any times when I try running the command squid -k
>rotate appear follow error message: " squid: ERROR: No running copy"
>what do I do about this ?

This error indicates that the Squid daemon isn't actually running. Start

Martin A. Brooks
The package said Windows NT 4 or better - I installed Linux.

Received on Tue May 30 2000 - 10:04:19 MDT

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