RE: Squid behind a Watchguard Firebox

From: Tim Sone <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 17:33:48 +1000

The firewall will proxy http requests outbound so you do not want it to
point to the squid server, as this is just looping it back into your

If on the firewall you allow the Squid box to use the proxy then it should
start working.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Puchalski []
Sent: Wednesday, 31 May 2000 8:55 AM
Subject: Squid behind a Watchguard Firebox

Anyone know if it's possible to run a squid server
behind a Watchguard Firebox? I can't get that config
to run.

If I point my browser directly at the squid server
(which is behind the firewall) I'm able to browse ok.
The firebox has a setting for the http proxy that
allows you to point all outgoing http requests at a
proxy caching server. If I plug the squid IP address
in here, browsing stops working. The browsers hang
for a while at the site contacted, waiting for reply.
Finally the request times out. I see no connection
info in the squid logs for that w/s IP.


w/s w/s squid
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