Is my proxy will still work properly if I comment lines in src/http.c in order to use RealPlayer

From: S�bastien LETARD <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 12:39:52 +0200

Dear Squid users,

I'd like to know what the following code is for in the httpReadReply(int fd, void *data) function from src/http.c in 2.2-STABLE5

/* } else iF (len == 0 && entry->mem_obj->inmem_hi == 0) {
 * debug(50, 5) ("httpReadReply: FD %d: read failure: %s.\n",
 * fd, xstrerror());
 * ErrorState *err;
 * err->xerrno = errno;
 * fwdFail(httpState->fwd, err);
 * httpState->eof = 1;
 * comm_close(fd);

Is it only for RFC compliance ?

I have already post a few questions on the list by the past about using G2 RealPlayer through Squid http proxy, with no real answer to my real problem. The Squid proxy replies to the player with X-Squid-Error: ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT messages

I have commented out all these lines in the httpReadReply(int fd, void *data) function and it works now !

So, Is my squid proxy going to hang and core-dump ? When ? Often ?

How can I tell Squid to ignore ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT ?

Received on Wed Aug 02 2000 - 04:44:15 MDT

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