Re: Is my proxy will still work properly if I comment lines insrc/http.c in order to use RealPlayer

From: Yomler <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 22:30:54 +0200

What I am testing is :
A Netscape HTTP/1.0 proxy and Squid HTPP/1.0 proxy

With Netscape, I have no problem to use G2 RealPlayer clients. With Squid,
it is not working properly for some sites as

I have investigate a few hno patch with no success.
I have sniffed the wired and passed a lot of time to understand how G2 do
send data over HTTP and compare the differences between Netscape and Squid
both between G2-client Squid and Squid imix G2 server.

I have a 503 Server unavailable error messages in my squid logs, and the
response from Squid proxy to the G2 client includes the X-Squid-Error:

So I have comment out the following lines, and IT WORKS for me now.

So I am going to test the proxy with a few users for HTTP, FTP and G2 over
HTTP aswell and see how stable it is going to be ?

But I would be glad to receive more advice about what I am doing.


At 21:22 02/08/00 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> that code checks whether squid received data from the server side
>connection, and if it didn't, returns an error to the client. Removing that
>code will not fix your problem with G2 realplayer (and will introduce
>problems in squid). Are you sure the upstream site is working properly?
>What do you mean by ignore ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT?
>If squid has no data to send to the client, what would you like it to send?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "S�bastien LETARD" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 8:39 PM
>Subject: Is my proxy will still work properly if I comment lines
>insrc/http.c in order to use RealPlayer
> > Dear Squid users,
> >
> > I'd like to know what the following code is for in the httpReadReply(int
>fd, void *data) function from src/http.c in 2.2-STABLE5
> >
> > /* } else iF (len == 0 && entry->mem_obj->inmem_hi == 0) {
> > * debug(50, 5) ("httpReadReply: FD %d: read failure: %s.\n",
> > * fd, xstrerror());
> > * ErrorState *err;
> > * err->xerrno = errno;
> > * fwdFail(httpState->fwd, err);
> > * httpState->eof = 1;
> > * comm_close(fd);
> > */
> >
> > Is it only for RFC compliance ?
> >
> > I have already post a few questions on the list by the past about using G2
>RealPlayer through Squid http proxy, with no real answer to my real problem.
>The Squid proxy replies to the player with X-Squid-Error:
> >
> > I have commented out all these lines in the httpReadReply(int fd, void
>*data) function and it works now !
> >
> > So, Is my squid proxy going to hang and core-dump ? When ? Often ?
> >
> > How can I tell Squid to ignore ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT ?
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >

S�bastien Letard
Received on Wed Aug 02 2000 - 14:37:55 MDT

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