Ned help with WCCP, Cisco IOS 11.2(18-22a)P and FreeBSD 3.4.x

From: Rudy Komsic <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 02:55:21 -0400


After using Cisco IOS 11.2(12)P I have noticed I did not have a
feature I absolutely needed, redirect-list. The redirect-list allows
you to setup ACLs on the Cisco router to say which packets will be
sent to Squid or not.

Anyhow, The system was working well under 11.2(12)P so I felt I
needed to try a higher version to get the feature mentioned above.

I loaded up the Cisco IOS and everything looked dandy until when I
checked the status of WCCP. It stopped sending packets to Squid. :(

Here is the output from the Cisco

Cisco3640#sh ip wccp
Global WCCP information:
        Number of web-caches: 1
        Total Packets Redirected: 0
        Redirect access-list: -none-
        Total Packets Denied Redirect: 0
        Total Packets Unassigned: 154579
        Group access-list: -none-
        Total Packets Denied to Group: 0

Cisco3640#sh ip wccp web
WCCP Web-Cache information:
        IP Address:
        Protocol Version: 0.3
        State: Usable
        Initial Hash Info: 00000000000000000000000000000000
        Assigned Hash Info: 00000000000000000000000000000000
        Hash Allotment: 0 (0.00%)
        Packets Redirected: 0
        Connect Time: 00:21:55

The problem is that it is not getting the Hash Allotment. On the
11.2(12)P IOS, I was getting a hash allotment of 256(100.0%). If
anyone out there is still using the 11.2 IOS to handle WCCP, with
FreeBSD, please contact me.
Received on Sat Aug 05 2000 - 00:58:32 MDT

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