Re: Squid as reverse proxy

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 19:06:04 +0200

satinder chadha wrote:
> Hi Henrik ,
> Thanks a lot ........The config which you had suggested is working fine .
> Pls can you suggest the configuration for option A i.e. with the host header
> on option ...

If you have B running fine, then all you need is to enable
httpd_accel_uses_host_header, and list all the relevant domains as
aliases to the backend web servers in /etc/hosts or your local DNS.

Hint: There does not need to be a 1-1 match between the accelerator
IP/domain combinations and the backend server IP/comains. The
accelerator can map each domain individually, so a Host header based
domain on the accelerator can be a unique backend server or the rewerse
that a unique IP on the accelerator is mapped to a virtual domain on a
backend server.

If you do not need non-host based domains on the accelerator, then set
httpd_accel_host to your main domain you want users with prehistoric
browsers to be able to reach, remove the redirector and register all the
domains with the same IP. Not having a redirector will make Squid run a
bit more efficient.

Hmm.. redirector_access can also be used to make the above performance
optimization, by only rewrite those URL's which have an destination
address which loops back to the accelerator IP's..

acl ip_accel dst
redirector_access allow ip_accel

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid hacker
Received on Mon Aug 07 2000 - 13:50:04 MDT

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