On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Igor Plisco wrote:
]I found in Internet documentation the following use of statement
]deny_info in squid.conf:
]deny_info http://www.mydomain.com/somepage.html bad_url
That is Squid-1 syntax.
]'/var/lib/squid/etc/errors/http://www.mydomain.com/somepage.html': (2)
]No such file or directory
]Is there a way to load some URL when acl is applied?
No, deny_info mentiones an error page (which you supplied in the
~squid/etc/errors folder), e.g.:
acl dst_vpn dst
http_access deny dst_vpn
deny_info ERR_VPN_NONSENSE dst_vpn
Le deagh dh�rachd,
Dipl.-Ing. Jens-S. V�ckler (voeckler@rvs.uni-hannover.de)
Institute for Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
University of Hanover, Germany; +49 511 762 4726
Received on Wed Aug 09 2000 - 06:12:13 MDT
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