Squid processes

From: Igor Plisco <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 11:05:29 +0400


Can anybody explain me how different squid processes share tasks among

When I say "ps auxw | grep squid", I see 3 squid processes, one under
user root with name as path to squid binary, and 2 under user squid (as
configured) with names "(squid)".

I guess, first one (root) hears on port 3128 and redirects requiest to
its descents. But why two descendant processes and not one or five?

When I kill one of processes under user squid, proxy works well. Only I
see in squid.log lines:
> unlinkdUnlink: write FD 6 failed: (32) Broken pipe

"Works well" I say because amputated process always is ill - it tries to
eat 99% CPU all the time and squid halts sometimes - it doesn't serve
quieries while seems to be working in "ps". After amputation squid
doesn't halt.

I used squid 2.3.STABLE3 and have the same behavoiur after upgrading to

Igor Plisco
Received on Thu Aug 10 2000 - 01:08:28 MDT

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