Re: Akamai [Was: Hi all]

From: Bert Driehuis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 02:06:42 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> not normally cached unless you have tweaked your refresh
> patterns way outside what is recommended.
> Why: The reply does not carry any timestamping information (not even
> Date), making it very hard to guess how long it can be cached. The
> reason to this is due to being Akamai:sed, and the pages
> are "dynamically" generated to load images from a Akamai content
> acceleration server close to you.

Errrr, that should probably read "content deceleration server". On the
up side, they are pretty apt at finding a server close to you. On the
down side, they return between 2 and 4 A records, some or all of which
point to dead servers (especially at night). Because of the amount of
unanswered SYN packets, (the Akamaized Yahoo images site)
lights up like a Christmas tree in Chernobyl on the intrusion detection
system we use (and which needs fixing, I know).

Oh well, I probably should add a refresh_pattern with a huge max_age for


                                        -- Bert

Bert Driehuis -- -- +31-20-3116119
If the only tool you've got is an axe, every problem looks like fun!
Received on Thu Aug 10 2000 - 18:09:04 MDT

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