Re: [SQU] Transparent proxy and redirect with 2 Linux box

From: luciano lima <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 07:33:58 -0300

Thanks for answer,

The ipchains command for redirecting packets in a Linux box is something
like this:

#ipchains -A input -p tcp -d 0/0 80 -j REDIRECT 3128

So the packets through the gateway is accepted as a local 3128 port. I did
not say the proxy IP address.
Must I use ipvsadm or ipmasqadm or something like that to redirect the
packets to the other machine ?


Luciano Lima
ELO Internet
ICQ: 22990252
-----Mensagem Original-----
De: "Russell Mosemann" <>
Para: "luciano lima" <>
Cc: "Squid" <>
Enviada em: Quarta-feira, 16 de Agosto de 2000 23:56
Assunto: Re: [SQU] Transparent proxy and redirect with 2 Linux box

> Check the FAQ at concerning transparent proxy.
> Even though squid is not running on the Linux box, you still have to
> redirect the packets. Redirection happens the same way, no matter whether
> squid is running on the same box or a different one.
> ----
> Russell Mosemann, Ph.D. * Computing Services * Concordia University,
> "Oh. Well, who am I to argue with me?" - Dr. Bashir
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, luciano lima wrote:
> > I use a Linux box as a router, not CISCO. But there is no squid cache in
> > this box, it only routes packets. The squid proxy server is another
> > How can I configure to only redirect www traffic to the Squid machine. I
> > dont want to use my squid as the default gateway in my Linux router.
> --
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Received on Thu Aug 17 2000 - 05:34:45 MDT

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