[SQU] More file descriptors with squid 2.2stable5

From: Toivo Pedaste <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 18:46:39 +0800

I'm running squid on Linux 2.2 and wish to increase the number of file
descriptors available. I increased the number of file descriptors
in linux but squid didn't pick this up after a recompile. I notice
the code in main.c

     if (FD_SETSIZE < Squid_MaxFD)
        Squid_MaxFD = FD_SETSIZE;

This seems to set the max number of file descriptors to no more than
the FD_SETSIZE even if you are using POLL. I tried commenting it
out and seeing what would happen, it seemed to work but each
request produce the line

comm_poll_incoming: NULL write handler

in the log file. Any ideas?

It's compiled with

--enable-delay-pools --enable-async-io --enable-snmp
--enable-cachemgr-hostname --enable-poll

 Toivo Pedaste                        Email:  toivo@ucs.uwa.edu.au
 University Communications Services,  Phone:  +61 8 9 380 2605
 University of Western Australia      Fax:    +61 8 9 380 1109
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Received on Wed Aug 30 2000 - 04:49:45 MDT

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