[SQU] World's Smallest Squid

From: Doug <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 09:02:41 -0400

Hello all,

Squid and SquidGuard perform beautifully as a web filter on
my tiny linux box. However, after many user queries it just
stops responding. Instead of adding: memory, disk, file
descriptors, swap file numbers, what have you to correct the
problem - I'd rather tune down squid so that it uses minimal
resources. Can this be accomplished in the squid.conf file?

I can sacrifice response time, throughput, and amount of
cached data since those are currently beyond my

By the way, the only way I can successfully restart squid is
to reboot from Linux LRP diskettes which reloads my
filesystem. I've tried telinit 1, then back to 3. All the squid
processes reinitialize, but squid still does not respond and
no errors are posted.

Calimari Everyone!

P.S. The configuration is Linux 2.2.16 (Eiger LRP) with
Squid 2.2.STABLE4-3 and squidGuard 1.1.4 with inlined
Berkeley db-2.7.7

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Received on Fri Sep 01 2000 - 07:06:28 MDT

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