[SQU] Pragma header in 304 res

From: Hirohiko Nakano <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 17:00:29 +0900

Henrik and Alex. Thank you for you kind responses.

I am sorry for posting troublesome emails about "Pragma in 304" and "Authentication-Info in 304".
My intention is NOT to complain to squid's developers.
I posted the following mail to squidML in 8/18,
because somebody else may be in trouble about the same problem,
especially somebody who want to use/implement DA auth.

But no response from users...

Now I am using squid (with modification) for my research.
Open source is great!!

Thank you.

Hirohiko Nakano wrote (in 8/18, a month ago):
>I use Squid 2.3 Stable 3 on RetHat Linux 6.2.
>Now, I am planning to design and implement another Http auth scheme, which needs sending auth-info
>from server to client. I decide to use Pragma: header to transfer auth-info to client
>(because Authentication-Info: header is not supported by Squid yet).
>Squid supports "public", "max-age" and "must-revalidate" cache-control directives,
>so I use these directives to cache authorized response. I am very happy.
>But, when I (= server) send to 304 response to squid with Pragma: header(including auth-info),
>Squid sends old (cached) Pragma: header to client! My authentication sheme does not work!
>I refer to RFC of HTTP/1.1.
>RFC 2616 (Latest HTTP/1.1 RFC) says:
>13.5.3 Combining Headers
> When a cache makes a validating request to a server, and the server
> provides a 304 (Not Modified) response or a 206 (Partial Content)
> response, the cache then constructs a response to send to the
> requesting client.
> If the status code is 304 (Not Modified), the cache uses the entity-
> body stored in the cache entry as the entity-body of this outgoing
> response.
> The end-to-end headers stored in the cache entry are used for the
> constructed response, except that
> - any end-to-end headers provided in the 304 or 206 response MUST
> replace the corresponding headers from the cache entry.
>I think that Squid does not obey this rule.
>I browse Squid src, then I add the following code to "clientBuildReplyHeader()" in client_side.c:
> /* Append X-Cache */
> .....
> if(is_hit) {
> if(httpHeaderHas(&(http->entry->mem_obj->reply->header), HDR_PRAGMA))
> {
> String s;
> s = httpHeaderGetList(&(http->entry->mem_obj->reply->header),
> httpHeaderDelById(hdr, HDR_PRAGMA);
> if(strLen(s)) httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_PRAGMA, strBuf(s));
> }
> }
> .....
>This modification is not perfect, but suitable for my purpose.
>My modification is legal to HTTP/1.1 protocol?
>How about this problem?

Hirohiko Nakano  nakano@hp-info.med.osaka-u.ac.jp
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Received on Wed Sep 13 2000 - 02:07:17 MDT

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