As you said you dont need samba daemon on the proxy only it has been
installed. What is your PDC on your network? WindowsNT or Samba server? If
it is Samba, Is this on the same PC with squid?
Ilker G.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jos� Pedro Ribeiro [mailto:JRI@mail.nbporto.novabase.pt]
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 12:21 PM
To: 'Ilker Gokhan'
Subject: RE: [SQU] NetBIOS Name Problem ( urgent )
Hi again! one more thing. If i try to associate any machine (name -> IP
address ) with nmblookup, using nmblookup -d 2 name, i get a positive
response, except for the proxy server, which is unkown. This is weird.
Here's what i have in the config.info file for SAMBA:
smb_conf=Location of the Samba configuration file,0
smb_passwd=Location of the Samba password file,3
samba_status_program=Full path smbstatus,0
samba_password_program=Full path to smbpasswd,0
samba_server=Full path to smbd,0
name_server=Full path to nmbd,0
swat_path=Full path to swat,3,None
dont_convert=List of Unix users not to add to the samba password list,0
sort_mode=Sort users and groups by name,1,1-Yes,0-No
I read that there was no need to have samba daemons running in order to use
the smb_auth for the proxy ( Squid ). So samba daemons are stopped. The
machine has been added to the PDC, as an NT Workstation or Server, as
mentioned and the smb.conf file is correct, according to the documentation i
have ( security=DOMAIN, etc.). I didn't install SAMBA, but i installed
Webmin, and configured SAMBA (smb.conf) according to what was needed. Also
one last detail, if i try to reach the proxy added to the PDC (
double-clicking on the name present in the list ), the PDC returns an error
message, saying no network path was found. Could this be the source of the
problem? If so what do i need to change in the PDC so that it recognizes the
Thanks in advance.
Pedro Ribeiro
-----Original Message-----
From: Ilker Gokhan [mailto:IlkerG@sumerbank.com.tr]
Sent: ter�a-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2000 8:53
To: Jos� Pedro Ribeiro; 'squid-users@ircache.net'
Subject: RE: [SQU] NetBIOS Name Problem ( urgent )
Hi Pedro,
Did you set up SAMBAPREFIX correctly on your box before run make? If
nmblookup and smbclient are on /usr/bin. you should set SAMBAPREFIX=/usr in
the Makefile..
Greetings from Istanbul,
Ilker G.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jos� Pedro Ribeiro [ mailto:JRI@mail.nbporto.novabase.pt
<mailto:JRI@mail.nbporto.novabase.pt> ]
>Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 6:39 PM
>To: 'squid-users@ircache.net'
>Subject: [SQU] NetBIOS Name Problem ( urgent )
>Hi! My name's Pedro and i'm from PORTUGAL.
>I've set up a proxy server, running under RedHat 6.2, using
>Squid, and it's
>working fine, but i wish to have the log files authenticated
>by user login.
>I'm trying to use the smb_auth software and i've followed the steps
>described to join the NT domain ( The PDC is an NT Server ) and have
>successfully joined the domain, but i can't get a valid authentication.
>Here's what i get when i try this:
>> smb_auth -W NBPORTO -d
>> cmj cmj2000
>Domain name: NBPORTO
>Pass-through authentication: no
>Query address options:
>Domain controller IP address:
>Domain controler NETBIOS name:
>I've followed all the steps described in the "Joining an NT Domain with
>Samba 2.0" article, plus the ones on smb_auth from the author of the
>program, and i can't understand why can't the NetBIOS name of
>the PDC be
>Also, if i try using nmblookup, i get successful answer for the machine
>names, but get a warnig message, telling me this:
>"Unkown parameter encountered: "domain controller"
>Ignoring Unkown parameter "domain controller"
>Also if i try nmblookup -d -i Gandalf ( proxy server name ), there' no
>positive answer, but with this command, using other host names
>i get the IP
>address associated to the name.
>Can anyone help on this? I'm sure someone must have tried to do this.
>Thanks in advance.
> Pedro Ribeiro
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