Re: [SQU] tracing wccp (yes I have read the FAQ!)

From: Lincoln Dale <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 22:24:09 -0400


At 02:08 20/09/00, Gary Barnden wrote:
>ip wccp web-cache redirect-list 100 <- Set Access List
>access-list 100 deny tcp host X.X.X.1 any eq www <- primary proxy
>allowed to bypass WCCP Redirects
>access-list 100 deny tcp host X.X.X.2 any eq www <- secondary proxy
>allowed to bypass WCCP Redirects
>access-list 100 deny tcp host X.X.X.20 any eq www <- shared proxy IP
>Address allowed to bypass WCCP Redirects
>access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq www <- redirect all other tcp port
>80 requests
>The problem you are probably having is that after the Cisco hijacks the
>request and redirects it to your proxy, the cisco is then hijacking the
>resulting proxy request. therefore you need to allow your proxy's to
>bypass WCCP

no, this would not be a problem.

all caches that are part of a WCCP group are automatically excluded from
[recursive] re-interception.
there is an ACL (such as you've specified) created automatically for all IP
addresses participating in a WCCP service group.

if your squid servers don't have multiple ip addresses, you could happily
remove the redirect-list and it should all still work just fine.



   Lincoln Dale           Content Services Business Unit          cisco Systems, Inc.       |         |
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   +1 (408) 525-1274      bldg G, 170 West Tasman  ||||      ||||
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Received on Tue Sep 19 2000 - 23:30:05 MDT

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