Re: squid performance VERY poor under load----help

From: Joe Cooper <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 19:48:27 -0500

You might just be running into the limits of what your Squid and system
will handle.

How many disks are you using for cache?

Are you using an async i/o compile (2.2.STABLE5+hno, of course)?

I think that's about the performance one can expect from a ~500MHz
machine running non-async with ~2 drives. Is your box going into Swap
memory at all? That will kill performance faster than anything I know.

With an async compile of 2.2.STABLE5+hno you can handle a T1 from a
single 7200 RPM IDE disk and 450MHz processor. But with a non-threaded
compile, you'll probably top out somewhere below a T1.

Just some thoughts.

Mike Richards wrote:
> Folks,
> At 2000-> 3000 req/min., my SQUID tanks!!!! Im running on Solaris 2.6
> with 2 x 250mz CPUs, 256mb memory, lots of swap, hme 10/100 interface,
> my T1 to the Internet is at >70% utilization...been tuning TCP
> parms....can't find the problem.......
> thanx for any suggestions,
> Mike
                     Joe Cooper <>
                 Affordable Web Caching Proxy Appliances

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