Re: [SQU] Strange Behavior

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 19:20:45 +0100

Michael Baird wrote:
> On my experimental server, I've recently changed the maximum_object_size
> from the default (4 MB) to 32MB to try to bring up the bytes_hit ratio,
> I'm using 2.4 dev4 w/DISKD as well as LRU replacement, what I've noticed
> with this being the only change made, is now a mostly negative byte hit
> ratio, server_kbytes > client_kbytes? Is this something I should be
> concerned with, or do I use a different replacement policy, or some
> other settings I need to change, frankly I expected my byte_hit ratio to
> go up, not the opposite.

I've also detected the same thing when testing 2.4DEVEL4,
but I didn't relate that to the maximum object size, only
to the change from DEVEL2 -> DEVEL4 (both using diskd). I had
BHRs on the hour well bellow 50%. I tried out LRU and LFUDA.
It's a mistery to me...


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Received on Fri Sep 29 2000 - 12:23:14 MDT

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