Re: [SQU] deny_info URL ACL

From: Juri Haberland <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2000 18:55:37 +0100

Jiri Bohac wrote:
> Is there a way to force the squid 1.x behaviour of deny_info - i.e specify
> a URL instead of a file in the ...squid/errors directory?
> I want to use it primarily for banner filtering (but others as well
> - imagine a huge dirty pig showing on-screen when user types in
> "" :-)) such as:
> acl banners url_regex "...banner_definition_regexp_file"
> acl porn url_regex "...porn_def_file"
> http_access deny porn
> http_access deny banners
> deny_info "http://...../emty.gif"
> deny_info "http://...../pig.gif" :-)
> Note that I DO NOT REQUIRE the target to be a URL, a locally stored GIF
> would do the same job for me....

What about putting a redirect directive into the local error page?
Something like:
   <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1; url=http://...../emty.gif">

And then point the deny_info to this squid/errors/whatever file?


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Received on Fri Dec 08 2000 - 10:58:11 MST

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