Re: [SQU] HELP: cache too big!

From: Matt Ashfield <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 16:15:52 -0400

The last time squid crashed, it was because the cache got too big for the
filesystem. I changed the size of the cache, cleaned the existing cache,
restarted squid, and it just keeps growing like a bad weed beyond the
specified size...

Any ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Cooper <>
To: Matt Ashfield <>
Cc: <>
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [SQU] HELP: cache too big!

>I've found that if Squid 2.2.STABLE5 (I don't know about later versions)
>is being shut down improperly or crashes (due to load, for example) on a
>regular basis the cache object store will grow, because Squid will
>'lose' objects in the store. The objects will still be present, as
>files, but the store index will not know about them. Deleting your
>swap.state file(s), starting squid, and giving it a few minutes/hours to
>rebuild it's swap.state fixes this problem.
>Also, find out why your squid is being shut down improperly, and change
>that. If your Squid has never crashed or been shutdown improperly
>then this isn't your problem and won't solve it in the long run. But
>I've never run into any other issues that can lead to the symptoms
>Matt Ashfield wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I still have not found a reason why my cache continues to grow beyond
>> what was specified in my cache_dir directive....
>> My /cache filesystem is set to just over cachedir directive
>> from squid.conf looks like:
>> cache_dir ufs /cache 400 16 256
>> HOwever, I am already using over 70% of my 1GB cache filesystem, which
>> is nearly double the size I specified in squid.conf
>> I have a reference age of 1 month for objects in my cache.
>> I am running squid 2.2STABLE5 on AIX 4.3.3
>> Any ideas?
> --
> Joe Cooper <>
> Affordable Web Caching Proxy Appliances
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Received on Tue Dec 12 2000 - 13:18:52 MST

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