Re: [SQU] Are there any squid devices that cache urls?

From: Robert Collins <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:09:59 +1100

Thomas, I suggest you read the squid-users FAQ located at

It will get you started. For a quick set of answers: squid is a proxy-cache; it does make browsing faster;it is designed for this;
Linux is an option but not the only OS - any unix like OS can be used; the specs are dependant on more than just your user count
they include things like expected cache duration and available bandwidth.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Carter" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 1:49 AM
Subject: [SQU] Are there any squid devices that cache urls?


I am new to the group so forgive me for my ignorance, but I have joined the group to learn this.
I have a project that requires me to cache 250 users url activity. Basically, they use the url once then in their cached account
they recall it from cache rather than retreating from the internet. Hence, the web addressing should be much faster and in theory
requiring less bandwidth and to the user there the internet connection would appear faster---right? The cached urls also are needed
to be collected and helped for a period of time. Is there a pre-designed software package for this? Is the Linux OS the only way to
go here?
What are the performance spec a squid server you would need for this application?

Educate me folks I am a nubie!
Thomas Carter III

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Received on Thu Dec 14 2000 - 13:03:15 MST

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